Unseen Portrait: The Art of Tom Hom

San Diego Chinese Historical Museum

May - December 2017

Some say politics is an art. So it might make sense that if a politician had a hobby, they might give traditional art, like painting, a try. That is exactly how longtime Chinese-American leader Tom Hom has been spending his time. In 1963, Hom became the first minority elected to the San Diego City Council. Later, he became the second Asian-American elected to the state legislature.

Unseen Portrait is Hom’s first public exhibition and also a celebration of his 90th birthday. The exhibition includes Hom’s paintings and drawings that span a seventy year period, beginning with the comic-books he created as a teenager. In addition, there are several original works that reflect on the Chinese-American experience, as well as personal memorabilia of Hom’s life in the San Diego region.


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